Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Herbal Weight Loss and You

Losing weight and maintaining it is a difficult task. Proper diet and exercise will help you lose unwanted body weight . But not everyone has the luxury of cooking and eating healthy food and going to the gym to work out with a personal trainer. Although losing weight could be done without any assistance, it will just take a lot of time and effort before any changes are noticed. The lack of time and resources has pushed people to look for different alternatives for weight loss .

One of the weight loss alternatives available today is the use of herbal products. They are available in many forms such as pills, patch, tea and many others forms. Consumers have the luxury to choosing a form of herbal weight loss product that will help lose weight fast . Herbal products are often regarded as safe, without the danger overdose (for pills and patch). They usually do not cause any side effects. Herb based products are one of the most popular alternative medicine weight loss in the market today because it is a completely natural alternative. Herbal weight loss remedies do not just promise weight loss and control that you desire but a healthier body that you need.

An Ancient Culture

The use of herbs and plants for ailments has been practiced for thousands of years. Eastern medicine is basically based on the body’s interaction with nature. It is regarded that for all illness; nature will always have the cure. The Chinese have been using plants for healing, weight loss and even improvement of sexual performance for thousands of years. Indian culture even used plants earlier than the Chinese and their knowledge of the use of plants might have even influenced other eastern countries of the use plants as medicines.

Chinese and Indians, however, are not just the ones who have been using plants for different ailments. Most of the ancient cultures have used plants as the means for healing and the only difference being the documentation on Chinese and Indian medicines is quite extensive. It was considered that since plants and herbs have provided them food, it should be good for healing as well.

Through modern technology, plants and herbs were analyzed to properly determine their use and effectiveness. It was discovered that these plants not only have curative properties but is also beneficial for weight loss. As eastern medicine has slowly integrated into the western culture, herbal medicines for weight loss have become very important and popular alternative for weight control.

Popular Herbs for Weight Loss

There are lots of herbal products for weight loss in the market today but only few medicinal plants have gained the distinction of being an effective weight loss ingredient. The following are some of the most popular ingredients for weight loss:

* Ginseng – without a doubt, ginseng is one of the most popular herbal weight loss ingredients today. Not only used in most herbal weight loss supplements, ginseng is also used to combat and prevent different types of diseases. It is even used to help increase sexual performance. Basically ginseng helps the body lose weight fast because of its ability to increase blood flow in the body which in turn increases metabolism and promotes rapid weight loss.

* Cayenne – not only is this plant popular in the kitchen, it is also a popular ingredient for weight loss. Cayenne helps in digestion and metabolism – two essential body functions for weight loss. By helping digestion and increasing metabolism, you will find yourself losing weight fast while eating great tasting food that is sprinkled with Cayenne.

* Green Tea – the popularity of green tea as a weight loss herb comes from the fact that it does not only taste good as a tea but it also fosters weigh loss through detoxification. Green tea is available as an ingredient in herbal supplements for weight loss or as a great tasting tea. You can purchase them from supermarkets as well as different pharmacies. Green tea also contains vitamin C and antioxidants that boosts the general health of your body.

* Hoodia Gordonii – this plant is from Africa and traditionally used by the natives of Kalahari during hunting. Since they go to hunt for a very long time, they have to conserve food as much as possible. Instead of food, they carry hoodia gordonii since it suppresses their appetite that helps them to continue their journey without food. For this particular quality hoodia gordonii is used in many herbal weight loss products . The benefits of hoodia gordonii are still debated but more and more companies are convinced that this plant is highly effective.

Caution in Taking Herbal Supplements for Weight Loss

All natural herbal weight loss products maybe safe since it does not have harmful chemicals. But it does not mean that all herbal products are completely safe for everyone. Some of the ingredients are not locally grown so their effects to the body, in terms of allergic reactions, are not known. For example, hoodia gordonii is from Africa and although you could see people taking it without any problem it does not mean it is safe for you. Talk to your doctor first to ensure you will not have any allergic reactions to this plant or to any ingredients that comes with the weight loss product.

Another caution that you should exercise is that most herbal remedies for weight loss will not have any side effect ONLY IF you do not have any health problems. For example, if you have the tendency for high blood pressure and heart conditions, you should stay away from ginseng since the side effects could be fatal. Since it increases blood flow, it could increase the blood pressure to an exponential level very fast. The heart rate will also increase considerably in a very short time. This would lead to stroke, heart attack and eventually death.

Herbal weight loss is a great alternative for losing weight. However, certain precautions need to be exercised, such as consulting your doctor before taking any weight loss products. If the herbal product was determined to be safe for you, combine this with a healthy diet and proper exercises so that you will lose weight fast in a safe and healthy manner.

There are lots of herbal fat burners today, you can get it in any drugstore without prescription. But still, your health should be priority, so better ask your doctor if you wanted to take herbal fat burners.



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