Friday, September 4, 2009

Fat Burner: Does It Really Work for Weight Loss?

A fat burner is a form of weight loss supplement that helps take away all your unwanted fats by burning them away.

This happens when your metabolism is enhanced and your energy expenditure is increased. Fat burners come in many forms.

You have those :

1. scientifically developed using chemicals
2. developed naturally using herbs and other organic sources.

Under both categories, there are a lot of products that all work similarly. All these products are created with one purpose in mind, which is weight loss.

They work by :

o targeting stored fat
o increase of thermogenesis

Fat burning supplements make you lose weight by targeting your stored fats first and burning them then inhibiting fat cells from growing to stop fat accumulation in its tracks.

They also cause thermogenesis, which creates heat within the body to burn fat faster.

Supplements that work through fat burning are known as the fastest and most reliable weight loss supplements that can help get you trimmed faster than any other type of supplement.
Success Secrets of a Fat Burner Weight Loss Supplement

Finding The Best Fat Burner

Finding a supplement to help burn fat is quite easy, since there are thousands in the market. But finding the right product that will effectively melt your fats can be quite tricky.

These products may produce different effects on different people, considering the person’s body makeup. Some people may think that buying fat burning weight loss supplements is not worth the money you spend since they don’t really work the way they promise to.

The truth is, if you choose the wrong product, then you’re definitely wasting your money.

The Right Burner Combined With Exercise

But if you choose the right product, you’ll definitely enjoy great results. Another thing to remember is to not put all your hopes of losing weight on a burning supplement alone.

Those supplements, however effective they may be, will not be enough to take away all your weight and trim you down to your goal.

Your fat burning supplement should just be a supplement to a complete nutritional diet plan and an exercise program.
Fat Burner Brands and Ingredients to Look Out For

Proactol - Over the Counter

Currently, the leading brand of fat burning supplement available is Proactol, which became very popular when it was approved by the FDA as an over-the-counter diet pill.

Proactol is often reviewed as the most effective, the safest, and the fastest fat burner around.

According to clinical studies, Proactol can burn 30% of your total fat intake.


Another natural fat burning pill is Lipovox, which is a prescription diet pill due to its side effects. This uses a blend of natural ingredients called Super Foods to give you weight loss benefits.

However, it’s not just the brand that matters. When it comes to fat burners, the core of their weight loss benefits are the ingredients they are made of.

There are several natural fat sherdding ingredients that are usually used as the key ingredients in most fat burning supplements.
Natural Supplements : Guarana,7-keto,Green Tea

These include

o yerba mate,
o guarana,
o 7-keto,
o cayenne pepper,
o green tea,
o and citrus aurantium.

Although there are also some prescription fat burning diet supplements, the more popular group consists of the herbal supplements.

One controversial fat burning ingredient, ephedra, has now been taken out from most fat burning supplements because of its addictive effects and several dangerous side effects.

Guarana is a wild herb straight from South America, which produces effects similar to that of caffeine. It is also an even more effective diet pill because of its appetite suppressant effects.

Citrus aurantium is also knwon as bitter orange, which is a replacement herb for ephedra. It mirrors the much sought after effects of ephedra minus the dangerous side effects.

Cayenne pepper is also an effective fat burning herb, thanks to its main ingredient, capsaicin, which increases metabolism, energy production, and eventually leads to faster fat loss.

Green tea, on the other hand, is a stimulant that produces more fat-burning energy in the body. It contains polyphenols that provide a lot of health benefits to the body aside from those related to weight reduction. Fat burning supplements should have any of these ingredients for guaranteed effectiveness.

Taking herbal fat burner is an easy way to lose weight without undergoing operations. But it also had it's disadvantages, so I recommend to consult your physician before taking any of the herbal fat burners. Choose herbal fat burners that is right for you to have a wonderful and successful result for you.

Resources of Herbal Fat Burner


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