Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Are the Dangers of Fat Burners?

Fat burners are supplements that contain herbal ingredients and are marketed with a wide variety of claims. Some products claim to stimulate your metabolism, others to control your appetite. Most fat burners also claim to increase energy. If you have been trying to lose weight and aren't seeing results, you may be tempted to try these products. But how safe are fat burners?

The Facts

Fat burners are available without a prescription. Therefore, they are completely unregulated. Retailers don't have to provide any proof that these products even work. They simply need to state that their product has not been evaluated by the FDA. As a consumer, you are bombarded with a wide variety of magical claims, some as far-fetched as promising to help you transform your body in three or four weeks, or that you can eat anything you like and still lose weight. A good rule of thumb to remember is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Fat burners contain a variety of ingredients intended to assist weight loss. Some contain stimulants such as caffeine, while others claim to block carbs and balance blood sugar levels. Ingredients typically include Ephedra, Carnitine, Chitosan, Pyruvate, and HCA.


Not only are fat burners completely unregulated, they are also not standardized. In other words, there is no guarantee that the ingredients listed on the bottle are what is inside the bottle. There has been very little research on long-term effects of using these supplements, or how they interact with other types of medication. Because of the lack of research on these products, they could be found to be harmful at any time. Recently the FDA warned consumers to immediately stop using Hydroxycut products, because they were associated with a number of incidents of liver damage.

Side Effects

Depending on ingredients, fat burners may have different types of side effects, including nausea and diarrhea. Fat burners may also interfere with the effectiveness of prescription medications such as birth control pills. More serious side effects may also occur, such as tremors, dizziness, heart arrhythmias and elevated blood pressure.


There are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss. At the very least, fat burners may be completely ineffective. More seriously, they may lead to heart arrhythmias, blood pressure abnormalities and liver damage.

Herbal fat burners has it's advantages and disdavantages, so, before you tkae any of these diet pills, make sure you consult your doctor.

Resource of Herbal Fat Burner


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